
August Carpenters Talk Tax Fraud with the Public and Lawmakers

Member leaders of Local 283 recently took to the streets of Augusta in a public awareness campaign to educate the public about Tax Fraud and it's harmful effects on Georgia residents and businesses. Joining them was Augusta/Richmond County 4th District Commissioner Alvin Mason. Check out a photo album of the event, here.

The effort was part of the UBC's annual Tax Fraud Days of Action, where UBC members from across the country stand up against Tax Fraud for the week leading up to Tax Day, 2022. Learn more about the UBC's Tax Fraud efforts at

In related activity, Local 283 members joined with their fellow brothers and sisters from Atlanta Local 225 and Savannah Local 256 at the Georgia State Capitol to talk with legislators about Tax Fraud and it's harmful effects on Georgia residents and businesses. HB389, which takes steps to curb Tax Fraud, is an active bill in this legislative session.

Our goal was to educate legislators about the importance of supporting that bill. We are proud to report that our efforts were successful. The Georgia House approved HB389 with an overwhelming bi-partisan vote of 152-12, and the Georgia Senate also approved HB389 in an overwhelming bi-partisan vote: 54-0!

Check out a video that highlights the lobby days at the Capitol:
Take a look at Local 225's photo album of their lobby day, here.
Take a look at the Local 256 - Local 283 photo album of their lobby day, here.

All three Tax Fraud awareness campaigns were led by SECRC Political and Communications Director, Brett Hulme. Learn more about the Southeastern Carpenters' Political Program at