What a great day it was for the Augusta Carpenters Local 283's 125th celebration! Hundreds of members and their families, as well as friends of the Local, gathered at Topgolf in Augusta on Saturday, April 20, 2024 for fun and fellowship.
Families had a blast and enjoyed live music, an excellent BBQ buffet, plenty of activities, and lots of great prizes, which went home with a bunch of members.
Many local elected leaders came by to celebrate with us, too! Many thanks to State Representative Gloria Frazier and State Senator Harold Jones who coordinated two state resolutions to honor Local 283. They were joined in the ceremony by Augusta Commissioner Tony Lewis. Also, a shout-out thanks to Augusta Commissioner Stacy Pulliam, Augusta District Attorney Jared Williams, and Augusta Commission candidate Tina Slendak for coming to support our celebration. Thanks also to Augusta Commissioner Sean Frantom for his support of the event by coordinating the Topgolf logistics.
Local 283 was chartered in Augusta, GA on April 15, 1899. Today, its 800+ brothers and sisters live and work in 13 Georgia, 37 South Carolina, and five North Carolina counties.
Thousands of Local 283’s professional area men and women carpenters were instrumental in completing major, iconic projects over 125 years. Most notable were Plant Vogtle Units 1 through 4 and the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site’s multiple projects, such as the Defense Water Processing Facility, the former Mixed Oxide Facility now called the Savannah River Plutonium Processing Facility, the Tritium Extraction Facility, multiple nuclear reactors on the site, and much more.
Congratulations to everyone from Augusta Local 283 on your continued achievement and commitment to creating an excellent career and quality of life for its members and their families!